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What is Persistent Low Back Pain?
Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of disability in the world. Persistent LBP refers to back pain that continues for more than 3 months. Persistent and recurrent LBP is the most common type of back pain seen by doctors and therapists and in most cases the exact source of pain is unknown. The age group most affected by LBP is in the 40-80 years of age group which is the fastest group age group in most western countries. With this ageing population the number of people who will suffer from LBP is expected to grow rapidly. The severity of back pain also increases with age and this heightens the risk of disability, loss of independence and worsening quality of life. People with persistent LBP have higher rates of depression and this combined with a sedentary lifestyle leads to a significant decline in overall health. Many people with persistent LBP avoid activity because of increased pain, fear of increase LBP or both. This often leads to activity avoidance and immobilization. This then leads to de-conditioning and further worsening of the LBP and overall health.

What treatments are currently available?
There are many different treatments for LBP but there is not one single treatment that is superior and works for everyone. Surgery is rarely an option for persistent LBP because the success rate is generally poor and there are potentially serious risks involved with surgery. The best approach for persistent LBP is a multi-modal non- surgical approach, which refers to using various treatments in combination for better results.

How will the Boot Camp Program help people with Persistent Low Back Pain? 

Dr. Ammendolia has developed a boot camp program for LBP aimed at addressing the multi-faceted aspects of LBP. The program combines manual therapy, conditioning exercises and instruction on self-management strategies. Progressive exercises build strength and confidence, which then is translated to activities performed in daily living. Postural training instructs you how to properly sit, stand, walk and sleep to minimize back strain. The goal is to restore function and reduce disability and improve quality of life. Self-management strategies allow you to become more in control and therefore better able to cope with LBP. Individuals should not attempt this program on their own without consulting with their health care professional to ensure it is appropriate for them.

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